The circulation of processes of creation in Literature, Arts and Sciences (mobile text, initial conditions and attractor in the manuscript)
Proust, Manuscript, Bodmer, Attractor, Creation processesAbstract
The proustian manuscript, if not all the manuscripts, exhibit a recurrent sensitivity to the original conditions under the simultaneous influence of a specific attractor and of a “mobile text” that plays a role at each erasure. After bringing the concept of “mobile text”, I will discuss the path that leads from the writing or the initial conditions in Flaubert, Freud and Proust and the neuroscientist Edelman to the counterweight of these initial conditions, the strange attractor (Ruelle) that will give the fractal dimension to the narrative. I will then analyze the route of the main attractor in In Search of the Lost Time, which, latent in the beginning, will be explicit since 1913 in Bodmer manuscripts and attract the character Albertine to then concentrate on the hero that will realize that all the material of literary work […] were in him: it was my past life. The strange attractor had gathered the two times: the rediscovered time and the lost time.
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