The ekphrastic sublime of music videos: a literary travelling starting from the lyrics




Song Clip, Ekphrasis, Literary Inscription, Specificity, Diversity


Adopting the music video for Björk’s Bachelorette as a frame, we examine the extent to which the form of “art of the moving image” considered here – that of the music video – emerged from an idiosyncratic yet multifaceted status of the verbal arts. In other words, what is the literary specificity and diversity of music videos, starting from the passage of the lyrics to the videographed song and from the identification of different kinds of literary inscription in them? Thus diversity leads to cases such as lyric videos, videos that represent writing technologies or interactive videos in which the written word plays a role, then the attempt at specificity is built around a metaphor. A metaphor that compares the idea of travelling in motorized vehicles to a kind of ekphrasis characteristic of the lyrics-video transition in song clips, to an “ekphrastic sublime” serving as a conceptual hook.


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Author Biography

  • Francisco Ricardo Cipriano Silveira, Universidade de Coimbra

    Francisco Ricardo Cipriano Silveira licenciou-se em Estudos Artísticos pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (2015), sendo distinguido com o Prémio Curricular Feijó, atribuído aos melhores alunos dessa instituição. Concluiu o mestrado em Estudos Artísticos (2017) na mesma faculdade. Atualmente (2018-), frequenta o doutoramento em Materialidades da Literatura, também na FLUC, enquanto bolseiro da FCT. Em 2020, publicou o livro Hiper-Real(ismo) Milenar: o cinema ciborgue à beira do ano 2000 (Edições Colibri). O seu trabalho tem incidido na relação do cinema com outras artes.


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How to Cite

SILVEIRA, Francisco Ricardo Cipriano. The ekphrastic sublime of music videos: a literary travelling starting from the lyrics. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 35, n. 3, p. 113–138, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v35i3p113-138. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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