Terminology and Knowledge Organization: Languages, Vocabularies and Systems





Knowledge Organization Systems, Controlled Vocabularies, Documentary Languages, Terminological Resources, SKOS


This article assumes that the tools used for knowledge organization purposes (e.g., thesauri, classification schemes…) may be understood as terminological resources. We investigate the relationship between terminology and knowledge organization from the double-dimension perspective (both linguistic and conceptual) of terminology as a field of study. Then, we propose an analysis of the concepts underlying designations such as ‘documentary language’, ‘controlled vocabulary’ and ‘knowledge organization system’ in specialized texts. We conclude with an overview of SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System), a model to represent knowledge organization systems in the semantic web, which is evaluated in terms of its ability to model terminological resources according to the double-dimension approach and the main elements of the ISO 1087 standard.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, Bruno. Terminology and Knowledge Organization: Languages, Vocabularies and Systems. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 34, n. 2, p. 26–46, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v34i2p26-46. Disponível em: https://journals.usp.br/linhadagua/article/view/188258.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.