The Verbivocovisual Three-dimensionality of the Bakhtinian Language
Bakhtin Circle, Verbivocovisuality, Dialogue, Sociohistoricity, Living WordAbstract
In this paper, the intention is to reflect about the conception of language formulated by Bakhtin, Medviédev and Volóchinov, in their respectives works Problems of Dostoevsky’s Art (2010 [1929]), The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship (2012 [1928]) and Marxism and the Philosophy of Language (2017 [1929]). The method, called by Bakhtin (mimeo) of “sociological”, considered dialogue among works and authors, in comparison with another texts, not only of the Circle, but of this episteme’s specialists as well and illustrated the reflexion with some aesthetic utterances. The hypothesis is that, to elaborate and to build the propose of study about and the conception of language, those russian authors realize their conceptual delimitation on the whole three-dimensional, here denominated as verbivocovisual (PAULA, 2017), in order to conceive the individual constituted by and in language in its maximum expressive potentiality. Thinking in a bakhtinian studies’ development, turned to the contemporaneity, reveals this search’s relevance. The contribution of the study consists in the reflexion about the bakhtinian studies’ pertinence as theorical foundation in multimodals utterances analyses, beyond verbal materiality, extensively analised by russian authors. The results demonstrate that extemporaneous readings well substantiated can rekindle other lights to the theory and, with it, collaborate with the field of Bakhtinian studies.
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