Influence of overweight and obesity on posture, overall praxis and balance in schoolchildren
children, obesity, posture, postural balance, overweight, physiotherapyAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate overweight or obese school children aged 6-12 years on postural changes on the spine and lower limbs due to overload, balance and overall praxis. Study participants were 34 students (27 girls and seven boys) enrolled in a school of Uberaba / state of Minas Gerais, with a diagnosis of overweight or obesity according to the infant Body Mass Index (BMI). For praxis and global balance evaluation was used Fonseca psychomotor battery while posture was assessed through an evaluation form based on Kendall. Data analysis was based on descriptive statistics through the percentage method. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov parametric tests was used to verify the normality of the sample and the "t-Student" test to detect differences between groups, considering the significance level of 5% (p <0 , 05). The results showed postural changes in both groups, static balance without significant difference and a significant difference for the dynamic equilibrium there was significant difference characterizing the overweight group with hyperpraxic psychomotor profile, while the obese group was eupraxic. The overall praxis assessment showed significant difference between the groups in three sub-factors: eye-foot coordination (p = 0.022), dissociation of the upper limbs (p = 0.042) and the lower limbs (p = 0.045). The dissociation of lower and upper limbs was found in overweight subjects with eupraxic psychomotor profile while obese patients were dyspraxic. The eye-foot coordination analysis presented dyspraxia in both groups. The results indicatethat overweight and obesity in children may alter posture, balance and overall praxis.Downloads
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