Tra Storia eMito: L’ossimoro Siciliano Secondo Gesualdo Bufalino


  • Begoña Pozo Sánchez Universidad de Valencia



Compagnia delle poete, Italian current migrant literature, gender, border


The Compagnia delle poete, an international writers’ company formed exclusively by women who were not born in Italy but write also in Italian, is very innovative in the context of Italian literature and, we dare say, not only in this particular context. In the words of Mia Lecomte, one of the founders of the Compagnia, it is a unique proposition since, up to now, we have not heard of similar contributions in other cultural traditions. She also points out that terms such as “writing”, “border”, “gender”, “body” and “migration” converge in the various cross-cultural and trans-artistic projects articulated by the writing that characterizes this international company of poets. The four shows put together by the company’s 21 poets from 2010 to 2013 — namely Acromazie, Madrigne, Le altre and Novunque — are the symbol of this accurate and innovative literary and cultural choice


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Author Biography

  • Begoña Pozo Sánchez, Universidad de Valencia
    È Dottore in Filologia presso l’Università di Valencia (Spagna), dove si è laureata in Filologia Ispanica e Filologia italiana. Dal 1998 lavora come professoressa di Filologia Italiana presso la stessa Università dove, oltre all’insegnamento, si dedica alla ricerca, la traduzione, l’editoria e il management culturale. S’interessa particolarmente all’analisi del discorso della poesia contemporanea e diverse tradizioni linguistiche , ricerca che ha prodotto studi e saggi comparativi e interdisciplinari






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How to Cite

Pozo Sánchez, B. (2014). Tra Storia eMito: L’ossimoro Siciliano Secondo Gesualdo Bufalino. Revista De Italianística, 27, 70-80.