Ellsworth Huntington: considerations on the letters of the “distribution of civilization” map of “Civilization and Climate”





History of Geography, Social Darwinism, Human Geography in USA, Ellsworth Huntington


Coming from an author who was significantly influenced by Social Darwinism, Ellsworth Huntington’s (1876-1947) intellectual efforts played a decisive role in strengthening American Human Geography in the early twentieth century. The article aims to contribute to the enlightenment of an important episode that occurred during the expansion period of the academic Geography in the USA. It was the elaboration, by this geographer, of a map of “distribution of civilization” that sought to rank the regions of the world on a scale from 0 to 10. The map was published in one of the chapters of “Civilization and Climate”, a book that had its first edition in 1915 and a third extended edition in 1924. That work is one of the first more systematic attempts to discuss a specific geographic epistemology and to elaborate a geographical theory of history that were produced in the USA, which is why it has an unique importance in the history of Geography.



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Author Biography

  • Fernando José Coscioni, Universidade de São Paulo

    Possui doutorado, mestrado e graduação em Geografia pela USP.


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Documentos – Huntington Papers – Consultados na Sterling Memorial Library na Universidade de Yale (EUA)

William Ripley a Ellsworth Huntington, 3 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.

Mark Jefferson a Ellsworth Huntington, 4 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.

Ray Whitbeck a Ellsworth Huntington, 4 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series V, Box 10, Folder 71.

Franz Boas a Ellsworth Huntington, 5 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.

Robert Lowie a Ellsworth Huntington, 6 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series V, Box 10, Folder 71.

Hiram Bingham a Ellsworth Huntington, 8 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series V, Box 10, Folder 71.

Walter S. Tower a Ellsworth Huntington, 8 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series V, Box 10, Folder 71.

Roland Dixon a Ellsworth Huntington, 9 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.

Harlan Barrows a Ellsworth Huntington, 14 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series V, Box 10, Folder 71.

Richard Elwood Dodge a Ellsworth Huntington, 14 de novembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.

Alfred Kroeber a Ellsworth Huntington, 6 de dezembro de 1913. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.

J. A. Herbertson a Ellsworth Huntington, 10 de fevereiro de 1914. Huntington Papers, Series V, Box 10, Folder 41.

Martha Krug Genthe a Ellsworth Huntington, 23 de fevereiro de 1914. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.

J. Russell Smith a Ellsworth Huntington, 3 de julho de 1914. Huntington Papers, Series IV, Box 6, Folder 34.






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How to Cite

COSCIONI, Fernando José. Ellsworth Huntington: considerations on the letters of the “distribution of civilization” map of “Civilization and Climate”. GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online), São Paulo, Brasil, v. 24, n. 1, p. 51–68, 2019. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2179-0892.geousp.2020.162309. Disponível em: https://journals.usp.br/geousp/article/view/162309.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.