Chest physical therapy does not alter acute physiological parameters or pain levels in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care unit




Pain, Newborn, Premature, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Physical Therapy Specialty



to evaluate the occurrence of acute adverse physiological alterations and the presence of pain in premature newborns with respiratory distress syndrome in a neonatal intensive care unit after chest physical therapy.


a cross-sectional study evaluating 30 preterm neonates in three moments: Moment one (M1), before physical therapy, Moment two (M2), immediately after physical therapy, and Moment three (M3), 15 minutes after. Physiological alterations were considered as variations in heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), and body temperature. The presence of pain was assessed by the scales neonatal infant pain scale and neonatal facial coding system.


A statistically significant increase occurred in HR in M2 when comparing the three moments, but with return to baseline values 15 minutes after physical therapy. Other physiological variables (RR, SpO2,and temperature) and pain evaluation did not present significant alterations.


physiological and behavioral parameters remained stable after chest physical therapy, with slight alterations immediately after the procedure, but with return to baseline values, indicating that physical therapy has not sharply altered vital signs and pain levels of neonates.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Chest physical therapy does not alter acute physiological parameters or pain levels in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care unit. (2019). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 26(4), 373-379.