Alfred Sohn-Rethel and the Neapolitan Technique: A key to reading the “Frankfurt School” experience and the contradictions of technology in the peripheries


  • Thiago Ferreira Lion Universidade Federal de São Paulo



Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Frankfurt School, technique, commodity form, periphery


This article analyzes, mainly from the text Das Ideal des Kaputten: Über neapolitanische Technik by the German philosopher Alfred Sohn-Rethel, the contradiction between the development of the technique in capitalism and its “broken” use in periphery of the system. The underdeveloped Naples of the 1920s serves as a contrast to the organization of reality by the development of the commodity form in Germany, resulting in an experience that seems to have profoundly influenced the thinking of the “Frankfurt School”. The apprehension of such dynamics still helps to understand aspects of the capitalist development in the peripheries of the world.


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How to Cite

Lion, T. F. (2020). Alfred Sohn-Rethel and the Neapolitan Technique: A key to reading the “Frankfurt School” experience and the contradictions of technology in the peripheries. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(4), 163-174.