For an approach to the desire of the teacher: anguish and phantom as access routes
desire of the teacher, adolescent, phantom, anguish, transferenceAbstract
The analysis of the effects generated in a device for teacher training in secondary schools is presented in a public university. It is argued in which way it facilitates the symptomatization of the anguish when the phantom in which the desire of the teacher is held is destabilized and the educational act stops. It shows the way in which each teacher can put on their own terms the discomforts that emerge in their daily practice in the face of the inability to work with adolescents. It warns about the potentiality of veiling the real with the concepts (of psychoanalysis), with writing and particularized reading, in a device that puts to work the enigmatic of a scene for which the writer has no answers. It shows the possibility of embodying from the formation the “object a” semblance via transference, which becomes especially relevant when accompanying the production and sustaining of the educational bond with adolescents.
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