Consummate and consumed school: the decline of politics in contemporaneity and its effects on school
modern school device, contemporary school device, decline of politics, de-symbolization of contemporary school.Abstract
This article seeks to distinguish the school device that was hegemonic in modernity from that that is hegemonic in contemporaneity: while the former was inseparable from the resurgence of politics in the beginnings of modern times, the latter is inseparable from the decline of politics – and the consequent rise of technobureaucracy and technoscience – in the last decades of the 20th century. In these terms, the hegemonic school device in contemporaneity has been consumed in order to be better consummated, which means that the school admitted as the ideal today is the one that becomes omnipresent (consummated) to the extent that it is also radically de-educated (consumed). It is about de-symbolizing the school (for instance, considering the transference from the student to the teacher) in order to adjust it to the imperatives aimed by technobureaucracy and the market in the apparently democratic terms of the enjoyment (jouissance) of total inclusion. Therefore, the school device ends up being consumed and consummated insofar as its objective is not so much to form subjects and citizens of the Nation-State, but to conform individuals and consumers of a global world.
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Eu, Rinaldo Voltolini, concedo à revista o direito de primeira publicação e declaro que o artigo intitulado Sobre uma política de acolhimento de professores em situação de inclusão, apresentado para publicação na revista Estilos da Clínica, não foi publicado ou apresentado para avaliação e publicação em nenhuma outra revista ou livro, sendo, portanto, original.