Promotion of spatial visualization with GeoGebra and Qubism 3D software
Qubism 3d Modeling, GeoGebra dynamic geometry software, 3d spatial visualizationAbstract
Technology has driven new forms of teaching and learning with applications adapted to the various technological resources. For the discipline of Technical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry, technology has brought computer simulations that allow the visualization of experiences in 2D and 3D environments. In Mozambique, teachers adopt a traditional teaching method, without using technological resources, which can make it difficult to understand the content related to Orthogonal Projection and Cylindrical Section. However, in this study, we employed simulations using the Qubism 3D modeling software, as well as the GeoGebra dynamic geometry software, adapted for smartphones. Computer Simulations allow the construction of geometric elements in a dynamic way. For this reason, the objective of this research was to apply spatial visualization tests to verify whether the two software programs mentioned really facilitate the learning of the topics Orthogonal Projection and Cylindrical Section. This study was motivated by the fact that secondary school students have difficulty in spatially perceiving 3D representations and their transposition to the 2D drawing sheet. It was a quasi-experimental case study, in a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach, whose instruments used were pre-tests, post-tests, the Cube Test and the Santa Barbara Solids Test. A total of 100 students involved, randomly distributed in groups (experimental and control). From the analysis of the results of the application of the spatial visualization tests, the data suggest that the students developed spatial cognitive skills. The data also indicate that the Qubism 3D Modeling applications and the GeoGebra dynamic geometry software promoted spatial visualization skills in the experimental group. The research leaves open future investigations for applicability of technological applications in the study of various other subjects in the disciplines of Technical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry.
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