Relations between ICT conceptions and competencies: A study of the didactic sequences of nine Chilean teachers


  • Marcelo Arancibia-herrera Universidad Austral de Chile
  • María-Jesús Castro-Appelhanz Universidad De Los Lagos
  • Andrew Sigerson Universidad Austral de Chile



Educational technology, ICT in education, ICT competencies, Conceptions of teaching and learning


Studying teachers’ conceptions of learning and teaching with the use of technology represents a crucial challenge to improve pedagogical practices. Worldwide, the model of Competency-based Teacher Education has gained prominence; in this model, digital information and communication technologies (ICT) have taken on an important role. The present study seeks to establish relations between conceptions on learning and teaching and the Technological Competencies demonstrated in the didactic sequences of nine Chilean teachers who work in different school contexts. To this end, in-depth interviews were carried out, along with analyses of didactic sequences (recorded classes) of the nine teachers and content analysis of the Chilean Ministry of Education’s document “ICT competencies for the teaching profession” (2011). Through phenomenographic analysis, the first result was to identify and classify the teachers based on different preferred conceptions of learning and teaching (Socio/Constructivist, Constructivist/Individual, and Direct/Transmissive). As a second result, relations were established between these groups of teachers and their practices in which ICT competencies from the ministerial document aforementioned can be identified. Finally, the study allowed to associate the presence of the ICT competencies proposed in the ministerial document with the teachers in the group whose preferred conception was Constructivist/Individual, pointing to the conclusion that this conception is based on the theoretical approach underpinning the public policy expressed in said document.


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How to Cite

Relations between ICT conceptions and competencies: A study of the didactic sequences of nine Chilean teachers. (2024). Educação E Pesquisa, 50, e260125.