Contents’ dimensions mobilized by Biology students in the argumentation on antibiotics and health




STSE Education, Socioscientific issues, Science education, Health promotion, Argumentation


In the literature, many advantages of a socioscientific issues (SSI)-based teaching have been highlighted. However, the recognition and evaluation of the contents mobilized by the students have been a challenge in the context of STSE education, with few studies focusing on the evaluation of learning consistent to principles of STSE education. In this empirical article whose approach is qualitative, we will discuss conceptual, procedural and attitudinal dimensions of the contents mobilized by students of a preservice biology teacher education course, based on an activity involving SSI on bacterial resistance to antibiotics. We collected data from the arguments produced by students’ groups, using Toulmin’s Argumentation Pattern. The students were able to mobilize some of the expected contents, based on the planning of the teaching sequence using SSI, mainly scientific knowledge. Social, ethical, and political aspects, however, were not sufficiently mobilized, which points to the need of a deeper emphasis on them in Science Education. Therefore, we suggest some perspectives to guide research and practice on Science Education based on the concept of critical scientific literacy, which considers the relevance of understanding the relationships between science, technology, society and environment encompassed by the SSI, leading to sociopolitical actions.


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How to Cite

Contents’ dimensions mobilized by Biology students in the argumentation on antibiotics and health. (2020). Educação E Pesquisa, 46, 1-22.