Learning to be a Reinadeiro in the daily life of the Quilombo da Irmandade do Rosário of Justinópolis


  • Sônia Cristina de Assis Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais
  • Genesco Alves De Sousa Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais
  • José Alfredo Oliveira Debortoli Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais




Learning, Justinópolis Quilombo, Skills, Daily life


The proposal of showcasing the learning processes through the daily practices of Reinado Mineiro is to expand an understanding of the numerous ways of learning. From this perspective, being involved in the daily practices leads us to describe and seek to understand how to become a Reinadeiro, especially through the musicality of Reinado’s children and youth. In the Quilombo da Irmandade do Rosário of Justinópolis/MG we find aesthetics designed in the dances, songs, and costumes that diversify in the various existing practices, such as the sacred drums of Candombe, the Irmandade do Rosário, the Caravana de Santos Reis, the Pastorinhas, the Capoeira Angola, the Arraial Pé de Cana, and the most recent Coral Vozes de Campanhã. In this territory, learning is present in the social life activities that are directly related to the acquisition of skills, to its relationships, contexts, and daily life which are shown in/with the day-to-day world, the territory where knowledge is built, felt and perceived. For these reflections we dialogue with Jean Lave’s “Social Theory of Practice” (1996), which claims a relational approach and whose fundamental principle is not to separate people from their daily lives, reaffirming that learning is inseparable from daily life and people’s lives.


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How to Cite

Learning to be a Reinadeiro in the daily life of the Quilombo da Irmandade do Rosário of Justinópolis. (2022). Educação E Pesquisa, 48(contínuo), e245243. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634202248245486