
  • Hannah De Gregorio Leão PUC-Rio




Baruch de Spinoza, Izaque de Castro Tartas, Freedom of conscience, Natural law, Inquisition


The article’s objective is to analyze the mobilization of international treaties, natural law and jus gentium in Izaque de Castro Tartas’ process of the Lisbon Inquisition, imprisoned in Brazil, using as a theoretical perspective the criticism of the theological-political carried out by the philosopher Baruch de Spinoza. From that analysis, it will be possible to understand not only how Jews and New Christians were inserted in the international legal discourse of the 17th century, but also how concepts of jus gentium and natural law were mobilized by such actors as minorities. persecuted by Iberian political and theological powers. Spinoza, when carrying out a critique of the theological-political in his work Theological-Political Treatise, converges with the perspectives defended by more New Christian critics of his time, such as Uriel da Costa and Juan de Prado. However, it is also necessary to carry out an analysis of the intellectual and philosophical convergence of Spinoza's thought with New Christians’ criticisms of the Holy Office. Cecil Roth claimed that a historical meeting may have occurred between Izaque de Castro Tartas and Baruch de Spinoza as young men in the 17th century Amsterdam community. Roth's hypothesis awakens the need to investigate the existence of possible convergent perspectives between the two that can highlight a critical intellectual line that permeates freedom of conscience in Amsterdam and comes to direct conflict with the theological-political power of the Lisbon Inquisition using jus gentium and natural law in defense of the application of the 1641 Truce Treaty.


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How to Cite

Leão, H. D. G. (2024). IZAQUE DE CASTRO TARTAS MEETS BARUCH DE SPINOZA: THE CRITICISM OF THE INQUISITORIAL THEOLOGICAL-POLITICAL REGIME AND THE TRUCE TREATY OF 1641. Cadernos De Língua E Literatura Hebraica, 25, 247-272. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-8051.cllh.2024.222086