IN SEARCH OF A SEMANTICS OF CHILDREN'S THEATER. Some reflections in light of the contemporaneity


  • Luvel García Leyva Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo



Children's Theater, Theater with Children, Theater for Children


The children's theater , in the context of contemporary theater shares an identity crisis and a blurring of their status epistemological with other expressions of this art; as well as aesthetic manifestations such as dancing, arts visual and cinema. The identity crisis and a blurring of their status epistemological therefore, added to this the differential phenomena inside the field of theater, increase the impossibility of defining the children's theater in simple terms. One cannot say a that there is a Children's Theatre, but rather different concepts, identities, practices or theatrical disciplines that establish a dialogue with the various kinds of childhood and their cultural performances. 


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Artigos (Articles)

How to Cite

IN SEARCH OF A SEMANTICS OF CHILDREN’S THEATER. Some reflections in light of the contemporaneity. (2014). Revista Aspas, 4(2), 27-38.