Motion Dance Moves in view of setbacks of structural cultural policies


  • Helena Bastos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Vanessa Macedo Universidade de São Paulo



AtoForum, Creative capitalism, Cultural policies, Movement to Dance moves


"What came first: art or financial market?" (Gielen, 2015). In this provocation it is implied that investing is a creative activity. Humid and flat dimensions are becoming and increasingly populating our way of dealing with creation. The present modes of agglutination practice other types of cooperation that become temporary collectives. We wish to investigate such phenomena through the forms of communication they invent and the ambivalence and dissymmetry that constitute them. From these perspectives, we propose a discussion at the crossroads between three axes: Movement to Dance Moves, AtoFórum against the Criminalization of ArteCultura and Creative Capitalism. Authors like Giorgio Agamben and Pascal Gielen are guiding in this discussion.


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Author Biographies

  • Helena Bastos, Universidade de São Paulo

    Co-Diretora do Grupo Musicanoar, fundado em 1992. Bailarina e coreógrafa. Professora na graduação e pós-graduação do Departamento de Artes Cênicas/CAC da ECA da USP. Chefe de Departamento (2011-2014) e Coordenadora de Curso (2017-2019). Credenciada no PPGAC da ECA/USP.

  • Vanessa Macedo, Universidade de São Paulo

    Diretora da Cia Fragmento de Dança, de São Paulo-SP, fundada em 2002. Coreógrafa, bailarina e pesquisadora. Bacharel em Direito (UFRN), mestre em Artes (UNICAMP) e doutora em Artes Cênicas (ECA-USP).



How to Cite

Motion Dance Moves in view of setbacks of structural cultural policies. (2019). Revista Aspas, 9(2), 23-44.