The formation of production designers in Brasil


  • Carolina Bassi de Moura Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO



Production design, Production designer, High school, Cinema, Visual dramaturgy


Currently, training in art direction in Brazil is tortuous, intuitive and fragmented, making it difficult for the student to learn, for the professional to work in the job market, and to affect the quality of the productions. This article crosses my observation as a professional in cinematographic productions and as a research professor at universities and technical
schools, with that of other professionals in the field on the subject. My thesis The direction and production design, (MOURA, 2015), publications (BRUTUCE; BOUILLET, 2017) (HAMBURGER, 2014) and specific debates (SEMANA ABC, 2015 and 2018) will be used. With this article I would like to point out the needs of this formation, so that a thought can
be developed in the universities, supplying the deficiencies.


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Author Biography

  • Carolina Bassi de Moura, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO

    Mestre em Artes Cênicas pela ECA/USP, graduada em Comunicação Social – Rádio e TV pela UNESP. Pesquisadora, professora adjunta e coordenadora do Bacharelado em Cenograa e Indumentária da UNIRIO. Diretora de arte, cenógrafa e gurinista. Interessada na construção poética da imagem em cinema, TV, teatro, performance, fotograa, literatura, música e artes em geral.





Do lado de fora do teatro (Theater’s Outside)

How to Cite

The formation of production designers in Brasil. (2020). Revista Aspas, 10(2), 159-173.