Performance, image and drama in Christiane Jatahy's scene


  • João Bernardo Fernandes Caldeira Universidade de São Paulo. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas



Contemporary theater, theatrical theory, Performative theater


We will examine some of the procedures by director Chistiane Jatahy, to indicate movements in the contemporary scene that break with the dramatic text and openness to other imaginary, symbolic, visual elements. With a procedural, transitory and performative bias, his field of research has invested in the desire to overcome the separation between art and life, as a way of destabilizing the links of the dramatic narrative. Through Fischer-Lichte, Bident, Lehman, Pavis and Artaud, we will analyze the hybridizations of language and propositions of a scene located in an area of ​​concomitance between fragmentation and homogeneity, presence and representation, performance and theater.


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Author Biography

  • João Bernardo Fernandes Caldeira, Universidade de São Paulo. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas

    Doutorando em Artes Cênicas na ECA-USP, é diretor, autor, produtor e professor teatral. Mestre em Artes da Cena, graduado em Comunicação e Direção Teatral, pela ECO-UFRJ. Especialização em Gestão e Políticas Culturais pelo Itaú Cultural/Universidade de Girona. Como jornalista cultural, é colaborador do jornal Valor Econômico.PERFORMANCE, IMAGEM E DRAMA NA CENA DE CHRISTIANE JATAHYPERFORMANCE, IMAGE AND DRAMA IN CHRISTIANE JATAHY'S SCENEPERFORMANCE, IMAGEN Y DRAMA EN LA ESCENA DE CHRISTIANE JATAHYJoão Bernardo Fernandes CaldeiraDOI: 10.11606/issn.2238-3999.v10i.2p86-97.





Artigos (Articles)

How to Cite

Performance, image and drama in Christiane Jatahy’s scene. (2020). Revista Aspas, 10(2), 86-97.