A female look at performance Excess, Stones and Pain


  • Marcella Nunes Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Gisela Reis Biancalana Universidade Federal de Santa Maria




Performance Art, Gender relations, Urban intervention, Autoetnography


Reflections on the body and urban spaces have been the focus of studies for decades precipitated, also, by the intense demographic explosion detonated in the middle of the 20th century. Art, as a field of knowledge, focuses on these issues, reflecting, also, on the cadence of affectivities that can air human relations in these contexts. This article seeks to build a reflection on Performance entitled Excess, Stones and Pains. The investigative path was conceived from a female perspective of the authors in relation to the lived experience that affected the performer during the action performed in an alternative space. The composition procedure in art was supported by the autoetnographic methodological approach. The performative intervention in the event precipitated an expanded space-time by enabling the sharing of singular experiences among the participants of the imbricated occupations undertaken by contemporary art.


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How to Cite

A female look at performance Excess, Stones and Pain. (2020). Revista Aspas, 10(1), 38-56. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3999.v10i1p38-56