Neoliberalism and modes of theater production in Brazil: from post-dictatorship to neo-fascism


  • Gustavo Guenzburger Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Theatrical modes of production, Cultural policies, Sociology of theatre, Rio de Janeiro Theatre


This work explores the relationship between Brazilian theatre and neoliberal ideology. To this end, the text makes a brief summary of some modes of production, theatrical circuits and cultural policies that have been active in the city of Rio de Janeiro since the end of the military dictatorship until the recent rise of neo-fascism. The hypothesis to be discussed is that, during this period, the theatrical environment has an important role in the construction of its own crisis, when it assumes for itself some principles and practices of neoliberalism.


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Author Biography

  • Gustavo Guenzburger, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Artista, ativista, pesquisador e professor de teatro e literatura. Em 2020 foi pesquisador fellow no Centre for Global Theatre Histories & Developing Theatre Project, da Universidade LMU de Munique, com bolsa do European Research Council, período no qual foi finalizado o presente trabalho (Grant Agreement n. 694559 – DevelopingTheatre). De 2015 a 2019 lecionou e desenvolveu no PPGAC da UNIRIO uma pesquisa de pós-doutorado com Bolsa Nota 10 da FAPERJ (desde 2016), cujos resultados são, alguns deles, sintetizados aqui. Em 2014, realizou estágio-sanduíche na Universidade Paris 3, como parte de seu doutorado na UERJ.



How to Cite

Neoliberalism and modes of theater production in Brazil: from post-dictatorship to neo-fascism. (2019). Revista Aspas, 9(2), 72-83.