Art and science: analysis of physical concepts and collaborative work on the play As Ruas de Bagdá ou Aranha Marrom não usa Roberto Carlos


  • Pedro Paulo Bonetti Beaklini Universidade de São Paulo



Collaboration, Physics, Relativity, Reference Frame, Theater.


The relation between art and science and their respective creative processes have aroused great interest in both artists and scientists. In this article, the relation between physics and performing arts is discussed by considering my participation on the play As Ruas de Bagdá ou Aranha Marrom não usa Roberto Carlos. The impact of scientific concepts on theater is discussed firstly on broad terms, and afterwards by focusing on such play, highlighting the advantages of a dialogue between the areas.


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Author Biography

  • Pedro Paulo Bonetti Beaklini, Universidade de São Paulo
    Pós-doutorado no Departamento de Astronomia do IAG da Universidade de São Paulo (IAG/USP).


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Do lado de fora do teatro (Theater’s Outside)

How to Cite

Art and science: analysis of physical concepts and collaborative work on the play As Ruas de Bagdá ou Aranha Marrom não usa Roberto Carlos. (2017). Revista Aspas, 7(2), 152-168.