Horizontality? The perspective of the interaction in aisthesis and its points of contact with the performance





Aisthesis, Performance art, Asymmetric horizontality, Audience.


This article presents a reflection on the research of procedures in Aisthesis creative processes, carried out between 2014 and 2015 by six artists living in Brasilia and São Paulo. Based on an inner perspective of the analyzed object, as one of its members, I reflect on aspects that approximate Aisthesis to the performance art, questioning about one of its dearest principles: the asymmetric horizontality in the relationship with the audience. The reflection occurs through a dialogue with theoretical notions on performance and notes on my experience as a participant in this research process.


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Author Biography

  • Edilson Oliveira de Carvalho, Universidade de Brasília
    Departamento de artes cênicas


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Desenhos de pesquisa (Research Designs)

How to Cite

Horizontality? The perspective of the interaction in aisthesis and its points of contact with the performance. (2016). Revista Aspas, 6(1), 87-99. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3999.v6i1p87-99