Public policy and colonial project: the Usina of Gasômetro Cultural Center


  • Ana Paula Parodi Eberhardt Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Cultural policies, Usina das Artes Project, Colonialism, Neoliberalism


This paper intends to discuss the closure of the Usina do Gasometro Cultural Center, the displacement of performing arts groups from the Usina das Artes municipal project and their relocation to an unauthorized space in the city's artistic circuit. Relating this event, as well as some others recently occurred in the cultural life of the city with the writings of Elisa Belém and André Augustin, we can infer that the changes in cultural public policies are linked to a project of devaluation of forms of intellectual, artistic and cultural activity. recurrent in developing countries. This process of subordination is linked to a broader neoliberal economic plan to maintain the colonialist project of domination, seeking a monopoly on the distribution of public funds by the private sector.



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Author Biography

  • Ana Paula Parodi Eberhardt, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Mestra em Antropologia Social e licenciada em Ciências Sociais, ambas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Temas de pesquisa: memória, cidade, patrimônio, imagem, lazer, cultura popular, teatro e sociabilidade. Atriz e produtora cultural pela Cambada de Teatro em Ação Direta Levanta Favela.



How to Cite

Public policy and colonial project: the Usina of Gasômetro Cultural Center. (2019). Revista Aspas, 9(2), 110-121.