Interview with a Dubliners translator: Benoît Tadié


  • Vitor Alevato do Amaral Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



This interview with Benoît Tadié, one of the French translators of James Joyce’s Dubliners (1914), took place via e-mail. It is embedded in a rich
exchange of messages that began in 2011 and continues to the present day. The original aim of the interviewer was only to acquire information for his doctoral work on retranslations of Dubliners, finished in 2013. However, it became clear that Tadié’s answers deserved to be published.

Keywords: Benoît Tadié; James Joyce; Dubliners; Gens de Dublin; Translation; Retranslation.

Biografia do Autor

  • Vitor Alevato do Amaral, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

    Vitor Alevato do Amaral graduated in English Language and Literatures (2002) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. He holds a Specialist (2004) and a Master
    (2006) degree in Brazilian Literature, and a Doctorate degree in Applied Linguistics from the same institution. He was lecturer of Literatures in English (2005-2006) at the Department of Anglo-Germanic Languages of the UFRJ Faculty of Letters. Currently, he is a translator at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. His research subject is retranslations of James Joyce’s works






100 Anos de Dubliners

Como Citar

Amaral, V. A. do. (2014). Interview with a Dubliners translator: Benoît Tadié. ABEI Journal, 16, 53-56.