The Space Between the Words: A Brief Mapping of the Translation of Eavan Boland’s Poetry in Mexico


  • Mario Murgia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Palabras clave:

Eavan Boland, Spanish-speaking America, Translation, Poetry, Cartography


Eavan Boland is without a doubt one of Ireland’s most prestigious and best-known poets—her fame has transcended the geo-cultural limits of the phenomenon known as “Irish literature,” and indeed, over the course of the past two decades, it has overcome, through translation, the linguistic boundaries of the Anglosphere. In spite of the considerable dissemination of Boland’s work, both in prose and verse, all over the Western world, the Spanish language has been somewhat remiss in receiving and translating her oeuvre. In the Hispanophone Americas, Boland’s verse has been translated sparsely for either anthologies of contemporary Irish poetry or literary magazines directing attention to her accomplishments as a writer who is “representative” of her national tradition in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This article will trace some of the (translational) pathways that Boland has travelled in Mexico, one of the cultural hubs of Spanish-speaking America, where Eva Cruz’s Anthology / Antología remains the only single-author volume of Boland’s poetry in translation.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Mario Murgia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Mario Murgia  is  a poet, translator, and full professor of English at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Among his publications are the books Lines writ in Water. The Influence of Paradise Lost on Byron, Keats and Shelley (UNAM, 2017), Singularly Remote. Essays on Poetries (MadHat Press, 2018), May the World Forgive. An Anthology of Poetry (AliosVentos, 2019), and in translation, Do I know You? The Poetry of Ben Mazer (UNAM, 2019). He has translated into Spanish the work of poets such as John Milton, Edgar Allan Poe, Adrienne Rich, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Eavan Boland, Alastair Reid, and James Joyce, among many others. Murgia is co-editor, with Angelica Duran, of the volume Global Milton and Visual Art (Lexington Books, 2021). Forthcoming is The Green Leaf of Language. Contemporary Anglo-Irish Poetry, an e-volume which he has compiled and edited for UNAM’s School of Philosophy and Literature.


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Boland, Eavan. A Journey with Two Maps. Becoming a Woman Poet. W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.

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Cómo citar

Murgia, M. (2021). The Space Between the Words: A Brief Mapping of the Translation of Eavan Boland’s Poetry in Mexico. ABEI Journal, 23(2), 183-198.