Céad Míle Fáilte – How the Land of a Thousand Welcomes Coped with Mass Immigration


  • Daniela Nicoletti Fávero Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Irish short story, Immigrants, Celtic Tiger, Gerard Donovan, Kevin Barry


The Irish short story, highlighted in the national literary production and celebrated for reflecting the social upheavals that Ireland has gone through, is nowadays configured as the genre to echo an environment in metamorphosis. This article, derived from my doctoral research, highlights the relationship between the short story and the representation of identities involved in immigration. In it, I offer an analytical reading of two short stories, “The Summer of birds”, by Gerard Donovan, and “Fjords of Killary”, by Kevin Barry, selected for their portrayal of the clash between natives and immigrants, vertically analysing the literary pieces seeking to show how Ireland is revealed in literary textuality. It is proposed that immigrants were somewhat relegated to the margins, suffering the consequences of social inequality accentuated by the Celtic Tiger period, bringing the issue of Irish identity to the centre of the discussion.


  • Daniela Nicoletti Fávero, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Daniela Nicoletti Fávero is a teacher at Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS). She holds a PhD in Letters – Theory of Literature, from PUCRS, which she received for her thesis on the representation of the outcasted from the Celtic Tiger riches in the Irish short story. She also holds a MA in Letters, from the same institution, for her dissertation on the representation of the Irish identity in James Joyce’s Finn’s hotel.


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Fávero, D. N. (2021). Céad Míle Fáilte – How the Land of a Thousand Welcomes Coped with Mass Immigration. ABEI Journal, 23(1), 25-37. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v23i1.192582