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Author Guidelines

Code of Conduct-Ethics

VIA ATLÂNTICA publishes only original material, repudiating any forms of plagiarism or auto- plagiarism and follows the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE), especially in the misuse of A.I. for writing, editing or finalizing the submission.

To ensure editorial originality, the necessary Similarity Verification is performed by the anti-plagiarism tool iThenticate provided by ABCD-USP, to verify textual similarity and identify plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Editors will take the necessary steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles where research misconduct or ethical violations occur, including plagiarism, citation manipulation and data falsification / fabrication, absence of relevant authorizations, discrimination, among others. The situations and allegations that come to the attention of editors and reviewers will be taken to the Editorial Committee, which will take appropriate measures, including referral to higher levels of the University, if necessary.


VIA ATLÂNTICA accepts articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French.

Via Atlântica only accepts articles signed by Doctors. Doctoral students, masters students, graduates or undergraduates only in partnership with a doctor, preferably the advisor.

In addition, VIA ATLANTICA receives translations of articles, essays, reviews, and interviews into Portuguese and is required the information on the source and/or the original publication. The journal must be the first to the publication in Portuguese.

The focus and scope of the VIA ATLÂNTICA journal are Comparative Studies of Portuguese-speaking Literature, Literary Comparatism in Portuguese Language, Children and Youth Literature, Literatures and Angolan Culture, Cape Verdean Literature and Culture, Guinean Literature and Culture, Mozambican Literature and Culture, Santomense Literature and Culture, Brazilian Literature and Culture, Portuguese Literature and Culture, East Timor Literature and Culture, Goa Literature and Culture, Macao Literature and Culture, and of the literatures and cultures of diaspora communities expressing themselves in the Portuguese Language.

Articles, essays, or interviews derived from doctoral theses or master's dissertations can be submitted as long as the original text is explicitly informed both in the bibliographic references and, as a warning, at the submission in the "Comment to the editor" box. This information will appear in the publication as the first footnote. The hyperlink where the full text can be found in a library, file, or digital repository must be indicated.



VIA ATLÂNTICA consists of the following sections:

- DOSSIER, for articles that attend the public calls of specific themes of each issue;

- OTHER TEXTS, for articles and essays whose subject matter is not necessarily linked to the subject matter of the dossier;

- REVIEWS (Recensions) of published works of interest whose themes are or are not linked to the subject of the dossier;

- INTERVIEWS with authors, artists, creators, researchers, critics, theorists, and teachers, that are linked to the focus and scope of the journal.

The authors are responsible for the concepts and opinions issued, as well as the indication of authorship of bibliographical, iconographic, tables and/or graphics sources. Hyperlinks must be used for web sources.

The submission of articles by its authors presupposes the assignment of the publication rights to the  Via Atlântica.


VIA ATLÂNTICA does not charge publication fees of its contributing authors.




Articles, essays, and interviews should not exceed a total of 40,000 characters (with space). Reviews should not exceed 15,000 total characters (with space).

All manuscripts forwarded for publication will be submitted to double-blind peer evaluation. The reviewer, whose anonymity is guaranteed, should be guided by the evaluation form (model can be found here).

The evaluation and selection of texts will result in one of the following editorial decisions:


Required revisions: this decision will inform the author of changes and corrections to be corrected prior to the revision and editing of the text;

Submit the new round of evaluation: when the first pair of referees did not report a consensual decision;

Reject: in this decision will be pointed out the items that led to the disapproval of the text, through communication with the author. The "disapproved" texts will be archived.

The evaluation and publication of manuscript submitted to the Other Texts section may occur up to two years or four consecutive ordinary volumes of the VIA ATLÂNTICA after its approval for publication.




- Pre-textual elements

All pre-textual elements must be presented in Times New Roman font size 12, single line spacing.

1. TITLE, in the first line and, when there is, SUBTITLE, in the second line, using uppercase and lowercase when necessary, center, bold, in the following order: title (and subtitle) in the original language, title (and subtitle) in Portuguese and title in English (and subtitle). ;

2. NAME (s) of the AUTHOR (s) should not be informed, nor his institutional affiliation, in his place should the word AUTHOR be placed in the box in Times New Roman, 12, right-aligned. In case there are co-authors, they should be numbered, AUTHOR 1, AUTHOR 2, AUTHOR 3 etc. At the time of editing, the author (s) name (s) and their biography (s) will be extracted from the submission metadata.

3. ABSTRACT (RESUMO, ABSTRACT, RESUMEN, RESUMÉ): abstract text in the original language The abstract must contain a maximum of 700 characters (with space), in the single paragraph, with Times New Roman 12 font, lines. 

4. In the case of an original text in a language other than Portuguese and English, after the abstract in the original language, the abstract in Portuguese and the abstract in English must be included in this order. Each abstract must contain a maximum of 700 characters (with space), in a single paragraph.

5. KEYWORDS: Two lines below the ABSTRACT. In the original language of the text, in Portuguese and English, preceded by the words: KEYWORDS; PALAVRAS-CHAVE, PALABRA-CLAVE or MOTS-CLÉS. Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords, separated by commas.

6. Regardless of the language of the article, it should contain the title and abstract in Portuguese and English.

7. Abstracts and keywords (in Portuguese and in foreign languages) must be in single, justified paragraphs.


- Textual elements

All textual elements (text and quotations) must be presented in Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing between lines.

1. Typing Source: Times New Roman font12; alignment throughout the text;

2. Spacing: 1.5 (one and a half) between lines, even in the case of indented quotes (more than 3 lines). For citations with more than three lines, use single spacing (1);

3. Margins of 2.5 cm;

4. Pages with numbering higher than the right;

5. Paragraphs with 1.25 cm inlet;

6. Internal sections, with or without titles, should be numbered in bold, without paragraph;

7. Use of italics to highlight terms, phrases or foreign words, not bold or quotation marks. You should still use italics for book titles, movies, newspapers, magazines, etc., but not for magazine articles or book chapters, which should be in quotation marks.

8. Quotations: in the text body, between double quotation marks, when they are up to 3 lines; more than 3 lines should be highlighted outside the body of the text: Times New Roman 12-point font, with indentation 4 cm to the left, no quotation marks, a single spacing between lines;

9. Citation credit: should appear shortly after the end of the citation, within the cited text, in parentheses, with the author's last name in the upper case, year of publication and number (s) of the page (s). Ex .: (NUNES, 2009, page 36);

10. Footnotes: should always be explanatory and restricted to the minimum necessary, numbered sequentially and allocated at the end of the corresponding page. Times New Roman 10 font (default), justified alignment, with single spacing within the note and between notes.

11. Complete bibliographical references should come at the end of the text, preceded by the subheading References (in bold, bold), following the rules of ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms). Line spacing in References should be simple, with space between paragraphs 6 before the paragraph.

Examples of references


CARVALHO, Ruy Duarte de. Desmedida. Rio de Janeiro: Língua Geral, 2010.

SURNAME, First name *. Title: subtitle (if any). Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication of the work. Volume (collection or series).

* Although it is possible to abbreviate the author's first name (CARVALHO, R. D.), we prefer the full name.


MEDEIROS, Paulo de. Notes to conceptualize a postcolonial Europe. In SANCHES, M. (ed.). Portugal is not a small country. Tell the "empire" in post-coloniality. Lisbon: Books Cotovia, 2006, p. 339-356.

SURNAME, First name (of the author of the chapter). Title: chapter subtitle (if any). In: SURNAME, PRENAME abbreviated (of the author (s) of the book) (the type of participation of the author (s) in the work, eg, Org.) Title of the book: the subtitle of the book (if any) Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication, pagination referring to the chapter.


1. Journal Article


LEITE, Ana Mafalda. The brotherhood of words. Via Atlântica / USP, São Paulo, n. 5, p.20-28, 2002.

SURNAME, First name (of the author of the article). Title: Subtitle of the article (if any). Place of publication (with reference to the institution to which it is linked), Place of publication, volume (if any), periodical number, pagination referring to the article, year of publication.


COMANDULLI DA CUNHA, Ana Cristina. Brief news on an autograph manuscript of Almeida Garrett: another version of a poem of Fallen Leaves. April - NEPA / UFF, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 19, p. 151-161, 2017. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 15 Dec 2017

SURNAME, First name (of the author of the article). Title: Subtitle of the article (if any). Place of publication, volume (if any), periodical number, pagination referring to the article (if any), year of publication. Available in <URL>. Access in: day month year

Hyperlinks must be maintained.

2. General Journal Article

MANSILLA, H. C. F. The controversy between universalism and particularism in the philosophy of culture. Latin American Journal of Philosophy, Buenos Aires, v. 24, n. 2, Spring 1998.

3. Article and/or newspaper article

         3.1 Article

SCHWARZ, Roberto. We've never been so engaged. Folha de S.Paulo. São Paulo, June 26 of 1994, Caderno Mais, p. E4.

         3.2. Newspaper signed

LEAL, L.N. MP supervises with full autonomy. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, p. 3, Apr 25, 1999.

4. Monographs, dissertations, and theses

SARAIVA, Sueli. A experiência do tempo em dois romances africanos: Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra e Mãe, materno mar. 147p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2008. Dedalus - Teses - USP

SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle (if any). Total pages. Thesis (Doctorate) or Dissertation (Master degree) or Monograph - Institution where it was presented. Place and year of the presentation. Hiperlink for the full text.

5. Papers published in the Annals of congresses or scientific meetings

BRAYNER, A. R. A .; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporation of time in object-oriented DBMS. In: BRASILEIRO BANK OF DATA SYMPOSIUM, 9 .; 1994, São Paulo. Annals. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29.

6. Digital documents (online)

GOMES, Simone Caputo. Presentation. In: Amar Cape Verde. Available at: <>. Accessed on 22 Jun 2015.

SURNAME, First name (if any). Site title (if any). Available in: [URL Address]. Access in: [Date of access]. Hyperlinks must be maintained.

7. Pictures and illustrations

They should be designated as FIGURES, TABLES or GRAPHICS and numbered in Arabic in the text are designated by the abbreviation (Fig. 1, Table 1, Chart 1), font legend Times New Roman, 10; spacing. They should preferably come to the end of the text and have the indication of hyperlinks to the sources if they are the reproduction of web objects.


                                  Fig 1. - The walkway of Alexandre de Gusmão ( ).



Reviews cannot exceed 15,000 characters.

Book reviews do not have a specific title and their presentation is given by the title of the book reviewed, aligned to the left, in the upper box, font Times New Roman, 12, bold, followed by the word review, in parentheses.

A line below the title of the book should contain the complete bibliographic reference of the reviewed book, in a justified paragraph, font Times New Roman, 12.

One line below should be placed the word AUTHOR, line right, font Times New Roman, 12.

The text of the review should follow the same guidelines for the submission of articles,



Interviews should follow strict transcription norms, as noted in or in PRETI, D. (Org). The oral discourse worship 2nd ed. São Paulo: Humanitas Publications - FFLCH / USP, 1999 - (Parallel Projects, v.2) 224p. Interviews cannot be manipulated textually in order to achieve a "narrative perfection" of oral discourse. Differently, from interviews published in non-scientific thematic journals, academic interviews should be thoroughly reproduced under the indicated technical and methodological standards and forms.

Interviews cannot exceed 40,000 characters.

The interviews must have a TITLE, always followed, as SUBTITLE, of the expression interview with (Name of the interviewee), justified, in a box, font Times New Roman, 12, bold.

One line below should be placed the word INTERVIEWER, aligned to the right, font Times New Roman, 12. The interview should contain SUMMARY and KEYWORDS, following the same guidelines for article submission, with a title, abstract and keyword translations to the Portuguese Language, when the interview is given in a different language, and English Language.

The summary should include a brief presentation of the interviewee and the circumstances of the interview, following the same guidelines for the presentation of articles.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This contribution is original and not previously published elsewhere, nor sent to another journal’s evaluation.
  • All URLs for references have been reported with their respective hyperlinks, preferably with the DOI.
  • The Authors have to be aware that the submitted manuscript will be archived if it does not meet all of the above conditions.
  • The academic institution of the Author and co-Authors has been entered in full, without abbreviations.
  • The submitted file does not have author identification and follows the guidelines of the Peer Review Process, submitted to two ad hoc reviewers by the double-blind peer review system, above all, according to the agreed criteria of the academic practice of originality and originality. Before being evaluated by their peers, articles submitted to the Via Atlântica journal will be checked by plagiarism identification tools. Authors must guarantee the originality and originality of the submission and must explicitly and correctly cite their sources and references (bibliographic, iconographic, sound, graphics, tables, and data, in general).
  • The submission file must be in * .doc, * .docx, * .rtf, * .odt, or compatible format.
  • All the required information was provided in the “Submission Metadata”, including ORCId, URL (e.g., the Author(s)’ CV in Lattes Platform or Institutional Webpage) and summary bios. Authors' academic degrees, institutional affiliation and ORCid are mandatory information for submission.
  • If the manuscript is derived from a doctoral thesis or master's thesis, the original text must be explicitly informed both in the bibliographic references and, as a warning, in the first footnote. The hyperlink where the full text can be found in a library, archive or digital repository must be indicated.
  • The submitted file does not present authorial identification within the text, and the instructions available at “Peer-review Process” were followed.
  • The Authors holds authorization for the eventual publishing of unpublished or copyrighted materials, assuming responsibility for copyright claims.
  • The title of the manuscript has been entered correctly, and the subtitle has been inserted alongside the title. The subtitle field must not be filled in.
  • The translation into Portuguese of the title, abstract, and keywords was informed.
  • All URLs for references were provided with their respective hyperlinks, preferably with the DOI.
  • The submission file must be in *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, *.odt or compatible format. 
  • If the manuscript is derived from a doctoral thesis or master's thesis, the original text must be explicitly stated both in the bibliographic references and, as a warning, in the first footnote. The hyperlink where the full text is located in a library, archive or digital repository must be indicated. 
  • The Authors have authorization to reproduce unpublished or copyrighted material, assuming responsibility for the reproduction rights.
  • Authors must be aware that the submitted manuscript will be archived if it does not meet all the previous conditions.
  • The academic institution of the Author and co-Authors has been inserted in full, without acronyms or abbreviations.
  • The submitted file does not have authorial identification and follows the guidelines of the Peer Review Process, submitted to two ad hoc reviewers through the double-blind peer review system, above all, according to the agreed criteria of the academic practice of originality and originality. Before being evaluated by their peers, articles submitted to Via Atlântica magazine will be checked using plagiarism identification tools. Authors must guarantee the originality and originality of the submission and must explicitly and correctly cite their sources and references (bibliographic, iconographic, sound, graphics, tables and data, in general).

Outros Textos










Privacy Statement

Names and addresses informed to Via Atlântica will be exclusively used for the journal’s stated purposes and will be kept unavailable for other purposes or to third parties.