Beneficial constraints: beneficial for whom?
Class, Economic performance, NormsAbstract
Wolfgang Streeck convincingly argues, in an influential paperpublished in 1997, that economic performance in market societiesis enhanced when the rational, voluntaristic choices of actorsare constrained by a variety of normative and institutionalconstraints. This paper offers three modifications of this centralDurkheimian thesis: (1) the meaning of "good performance" ofan economic system differs among class actors in a market economy;(2) the level of institutional constraint that is optimal for"good economic performance" in the interests of capitalistsis generally lower than the level of constraints that is optimalfor workers; and (3) institutional constraints on voluntaryrational choice - even those optimal for capitalists - alsomay have dynamic effects on the balance of power among socialforces which could lead capitalists to prefer suboptimal constraintsfrom the point of view of "economic performance".Downloads
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BECKERT, Jens. (1996), “What is sociological about economic sociology? Uncertainty and the embeddedness of economic action”. Theory and Society, 25: 803-840.
STREECK, Wolfgang. (1997), “Beneficial constraints: on the economic limits of rational voluntarism”. In: HOLLINGSWORTH, J. Rogers e BOYER, Robert (orgs). Contemporary capitalism: the embeddedness of institutions. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 197-218.
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How to Cite
Wright, E. O. (2004). Beneficial constraints: beneficial for whom? (A. Morales , Trans.). Tempo Social, 16(2), 65-72.