Prevalence of major depressive disorder in people with chemical addiction




Depressive Disorder Major , Substance-Related Disorders, Epidemiology, Rehabilitation


Objective: to verify the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder in people with chemical dependence. Method: cross-sectional study with the application of the structured interview for the DSM-V disorders in 183 individuals admitted to therapeutic communities for chemical dependents, located in the south of Santa Catarina, during the year 2019. Results: All participants did not have a psychiatric consultation when entering the institution and the majority did not have a regular psychiatric consultation (94.5%). It was found that 89 participants (55.3%) had diagnostic criteria for Major Depressive Disorder and 59.1% of these had alcohol addiction (p<0.028). Conclusion: the diagnosis of depressive disorder should be consolidated as an important variable for the effectiveness of treatment, since its prevalence is high and has repercussions on the quality of treatment and time of institutionalization.


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How to Cite

Pereira, P. M. B., & Bitencourt, R. M. de. (2021). Prevalence of major depressive disorder in people with chemical addiction. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(2), 64-71.