Creation of the Brazilian Center of Mindful Eating: Recovery of conscience and love when eating




Mindfulness, Feeding Behavior, Quality of Life, Health Promotion


Objective: to describe the trajectory of the creation of the Brazilian Center of Mindful Eating and to attempt to understand the motivations, objectives, the already obtained results, as well as the future perspectives and challenges of this organization. Method: exploratory descriptive study with a qualitative design. Data collection was carried out by consulting the documents available on the Center’s website and compiling the accounts given by the professionals involved in conceiving and creating the Center. The obtained information was sorted into categories so as to provide a consistent description of said Center as a milestone for the mindful eating scientific and professional movement. Results and Discussion: creating the Center required: Organization and structure: independence, decentralization and horizontality; Objectives and motivations: love, care and ethics; Challenges and future perspectives: cultivating, taking care of and reaping the benefits of it. Those categories, explored together, have shown how important it was to create the Center to cooperate, among other things, to inaugurate the topic in Brazil. Conclusion: the Center has been contributing to the ethical professional development of this field of knowledge in Brazil and has been establishing itself so as to organize and be the reference to disseminate such practices...


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How to Cite

Paula Leme de Souza, A., Rodrigues de Oliveira Penaforte, F. ., Dayane Sousa Azevedo, L., Cristina Gomes Quinhoneiro, . D., & Pilot Pessa, R. (2020). Creation of the Brazilian Center of Mindful Eating: Recovery of conscience and love when eating. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(3), 73-80.