Mobile applications in the prevention of suicidal behavior




Suicide, Mobile applications, Mental health, Technology


Objective: to identify cell phone applications used in the prevention and/or support of suicidal behavior published in international scientific productions and their functionalities. Method: this is an integrative review of the literature that followed the Ganong method. An adaptation of the method was made in which inclusion and exclusion criteria were included for the cellular applications found in the productions. The applications were selected and analyzed individually
to map their functionalities. Results: seven applications found from the literature review werestudied. 71 functionalities were mapped. It can be evaluated that there are still no specific
methods and protocols for the development of applications for the prevention of suicidal behavior.
Conclusion: it was possible to know which existing applications contribute to the prevention of suicidal behavior, as well as their main functionalities. It is necessary that studies are done to
evaluate the impact of these applications in the prevention of suicidal behavior, enabling the
development of research and devices that prevent suicidal behavior in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, S. S., Rodrigues, J., Guimarães, G. F., & Lopes, S. M. B. (2020). Mobile applications in the prevention of suicidal behavior. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(4), 100-108.