Então Ela é Escrava? Escrava Isaura, Popular History and National Identity


  • Paula Halperin Purchase College, SUNY




Brazilian soap operas, Brazilian television, television and history, slavery, racism


This paper analyzes the soap opera Escrava Isaura, aired in Brazil by the network Rede Globo from October 11, 1976 until February 5, 1977. Based on Bernardo Guimarães’ novel written in 1875, Escrava Isaura enjoyed attention from both the media and a vast national audience at a time when television had become a significant and influential medium. The narrative and aesthetics displayed showed a complex relationship between History and fiction, establishing a peculiar view of the past and slavery. Escrava Isaura launched a lively discussion in the press around slavery, patriarchy, and national identity at a time of military rule in Brazil.


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Author Biography

  • Paula Halperin, Purchase College, SUNY

    Paula Halperin is Associate Professor of Cinema Studies and History at SUNY Purchase. Her research interests are media and the public sphere in Brazil and Argentina during the second half of the twentieth century, the relationship between film, television, history, and politics in Latin America, and intellectuals’ and artists’ political interventions in Brazil and Argentina during the twentieth century.


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How to Cite

Então Ela é Escrava? Escrava Isaura, Popular History and National Identity. (2020). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 47(53), 162-183. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2020.155856