Preparing expert reports in cases of medical malpractice in Civil Law


  • Lucas Leal



Expert Testimony, Damage Assessment Methodologies, Medical Errors, Forensic Medicine, Compensation and Redress


In civil law, cases involving claims on health care and compensation for damages require a thorough medical report. Medical experts must comply with the legal proceedings, especially in medical malpractice litigation. In the assessment of personal injuries, the physician must respond to the object of litigation, translating the complexity of the technical evaluation into a set of evidence-based conclusions. Experts must have thorough knowledge of medico-legal concepts to produce clear and objective reports. Since the medical report strongly influences the magistrate’s decisions, providing adequate opinion on the case, based on scientific knowledge and acknowledging judicial factors is an important activity that contributes to justice.


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Author Biography

  • Lucas Leal
    Médico Diretor do Departamento de Estudos e Perícias do Instituto de Medicina Social e de Criminologia do Estado de São Paulo (IMESC), Especialista em Medicina Legal e Perícias Médicas, Especialista em Cirurgia Geral, Doutor em Ciências pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP, Pós-graduado em Medicina Legal e Perícias Médicas pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo - FCMSCSP, Pós-Graduado em Avaliação do Dano Corporal Pós-Traumático pela Universidade de Coimbra – INML, Perito Oficial do IMESC, Presidente da Comissão Interdisciplinar de Perícias Indiretas do IMESC, Ex-Médico-Legista do Instituto Médico-Legal do Núcleo de Santos da Superintendência da Polícia Técnico-Científica.






How to Cite

Leal L. Preparing expert reports in cases of medical malpractice in Civil Law. Saúde ética justiça [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];23(1):27-35. Available from: