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Vol. 30 No. 3 (2021)
Vol. 30 No. 3 (2021)
Original research articles
Quilombola’s Health: health perceptions in a quilombo in the agreste of Pernambuco/Brazil
Wanessa da Silva Gomes, Idê Gomes Dantas Gurgel, Saulo Luders Fernandes
pdf (Portuguese)
Imaginaries around group abortion of marginalized pregnant adolescents in Mexico
Yesica Rangel-Flores, Vanesa Jimenez-Arroyo
pdf (Spanish)
The cognitive demands and the complexity of work for the urban farmers: a case study
Larissa Maas, Leila Amaral Gontijo
pdf (Portuguese)
Body limits and failure: the access to treatment of female crack users at a CAPSad from Rio de Janeiro
Taís Veronica Cardoso Vernaglia, Marcelo Santos Cruz, Simone Ouvinha Peres
pdf (Portuguese)
Debating Trans masculinities: a literature review on trans masculinities in Brazil
Pamella Liz Nunes Pereira, Paula Gaudenzi, Claudia Bonan
pdf (Portuguese)
History of the participation of the State and civil society in the formulation of the State Policy of Food and Nutrition Security in Ceará, Brazil
Márcia Andréia Barros Moura Fé, Lucia Conde de Oliveira, Maria Marlene Marques Ávila
pdf (Portuguese)
Analysis of network dynamics of Market concentration in healthcare companies in Brazil
Luana Martins Oliveira, João Paulo Calembo Batista Menezes, Mirian Ribeiro, Márcio Augusto Gonçalves, Marcio Coutinho de Souza
pdf (Portuguese)
Performance evaluation of health councils in small and medium-sized municipalities
Elane Patrícia Fernandes Costa dos Santos, Diane Costa Moreira, José Patrício Bispo Júnior
pdf (Portuguese)
Testimonies during the pandemic: psychoanalytic reflections on trauma, State, economy and death
Luiz Alberto de Souza Junior, Guilherme Freitas Henderson
pdf (Portuguese)
Organizational communication, microcephaly and aesthetics of difference: analysis of 2 (two) years of the Federal Government’s discourses in face of the Zika virus’ epidemic
Adriana Helena de Almeida Freitas, Rennan Lanna Martins Mafra
pdf (Portuguese)
Compassion fatigue and burnout in healthcare facing of grief and death in hospital
Diana Norella Córdoba-Rojas, Daniela Sanz-Guerrero, Ana María Medina-Ch, María Teresa Buitrago-Echeverri, Ángela María Sierra-González
pdf (Spanish)
Masculinity in pandemic times: where power decreases, violence increases
Dherik Fraga Santos, Rita de Cássia Duarte Lima, Stephania Mendes Demarchi, Jeanine Pacheco Moreira Barbosa, Marcos Vinicius da Silva Cordeiro, Marcelo Eliseu Sipioni, Maria Angélica Carvalho Andrade
pdf (Portuguese)
Interprofessionalism in the Family Health Strategy: a look on the actions of promotion of oral health
Hipácia Fayame Clares Alves, Patrícia Moreira Costa Collares, Renata de Sousa Alves, Christina César Praça Brasil, Jéssica Pinheiro Carnaúba
pdf (Portuguese)
Drug Use and Gender in the Life Histories of young, middle class adults in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Patrícia Castro de Oliveira e Silva, Cecília de Mello e Souza, Simone Ouvinha Peres
pdf (Portuguese)
Adherence to treatment in children with Chronic Renal Failure: inclusion of the psychologist to the interdisciplinary team
Karla Yunuén Guzmán-Carrillo, Fabiola González-Betanzos, María Elena Rivera-Heredia, Martha Leticia Salazar-Garza, Roberto Montes-Delgado, Jorge Iván Aguirre-Martínez
pdf (Spanish)
Racial inequalities in advanced clinical staging in women with breast cancer treated at a referral hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Graziele Marques Rodrigues, Cleber Nascimento do Carmo, Anke Bergmann, Inês Echenique Mattos
pdf (Portuguese)
The participation of men in infant feeding: is this a new step towards gender equity?
Elizabeth Sorrentino, Cláudia Maria Bógus, Sonia Venancio
pdf (Portuguese)
Interprofessional education and collaborative practice in physical education training: reflections of an experience from the perspective of tutoring
Ameliane da Conceição Reubens-Leonidio, Talita Grazielle Pires de Carvalho, Maria Bernadete de Cerqueira Antunes, Mauro Virgílio Gomes de Barros
pdf (Portuguese)
Complementary and integrative medicine in the higher education of physical education: advances, challenges, old and new debates
Viviana Graziela de Almeida Vasconcelos Barboni, Yara Maria de Carvalho
pdf (Portuguese)
Discourses on ag(e)ing individuals, social inequality, and the effects of social distancing in times of covid-19
Larissa Picinato Mazuchelli, Maria Francisca de Paula Soares, Diana Oliveira Noronha, Marcus Vinicius Borges Oliveira
pdf (Portuguese)
Physical education, health and multiculturalism in covid-19 times: a high school experience
Marcos Godoi, Fabiula Isoton Novelli, Larissa Beraldo Kawashima
pdf (Portuguese)
Privatization of old age: suffering, disease e violence in the relationship between elderly people and caregivers
Érica Aparecida Estevam, Priscila Maria Stolses Bergamo Francisco, Rafael Afonso da Silva
pdf (Portuguese)
In the era of disbeliefs and uncertainties: news coverage of vaccines in Portuguese newspapers
Andrea Langbecker, Daniel Catalan-Matamoros
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Meanings of use of medicinal plants for nursing teachers in Catalonia
Marcio Rossato Badke, Silvana Bastos Cogo, Amanda Suélen Monteiro, Mariana Ferreira Scopel, Maria-Antonia Martorell-Poveda
pdf (Portuguese)
“Seed for Fight”: activism, right to health and confrontations of LGBTI people in the covid-19 pandemic
Bruno Kauss, Maurício Polidoro, Adriano Costa, Daniel Canavese
pdf (Portuguese)
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