Which Side Are You on? : Roman Jakobson in Interwar Prague





Roman Jakobson, Prague linguistic circle, Biography, Interbellum


The author describes the private life of Roman Jakobson between 1920 and 1939 when he lived in the former Czechoslovakia, first as a Soviet diplomat and later as a scholar caught in a thick web of political intrigues. Using archival documents, the author illustrates Roman Jakobson’s complex and often contradictory relations with the trio of political institutions within whose orbits he was moving: 1) the Ministry of Interior; 2) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 3) and the Soviet Red Cross Mission/Political Representation in Prague.


Author Biographies

  • Peter Steiner, University of Pennsylvania

    Professor Emérito de Literatura Eslava da University of Pennsylvania, Russian and East European Studies. Autor, entre outros, do livro Russian Formalism: A Metapoetics. Suas principais áreas de interesse são Teoria Literária e Literatura e Cultura eslavas modernas

  • Valteir Vaz, Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André.

    Professor de Teoria Literária e Literatura Brasileira na Fundação Santo André e no Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – Ceeteps. Pós-doutorando sobre o período tcheco de R. Jakobson na Universidade de São Paulo.


GENIS, Vladimir. “Iakobson, konechno, vozmutitsia…” ["Jakobson, com certeza, ficará indignado...”] In: Voprosy istorii, [Questões de História], dezembro de 2008.

KLIMEK, A; HOFMAN, P. Vítěz, který prohrál: Radola Gajda. Paseka, 1995.

LUKEŠ, I. Czechoslovakia Between Stalin and Hitler: The Diplomacy of Edvard Beneš in the 1930s. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

SHUBIN, A. V; ANTONOV-OVSEENKO, V. A. Disponível em: http://1937god.info/node/1689 [Acesso em 21/01/2022].

SOROKINA, M. "Unreliable, but absolutely indispensable": the 200th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences and the "Masaryk-Jakobson case". In: ALLOI, V; PRITYKINA, T. (eds.) In Memoriam: Istoricheskii sbornik pamyati A.I. Dobkina [In Memoriam: coletânea histórica pela memória de A. I. Dobkin]. St. Petersburg, Paris, 2000.



How to Cite

Steiner, P. (2022). Which Side Are You on? : Roman Jakobson in Interwar Prague (V. Vaz , Trans.). RUS (Sao Paulo), 13(21). https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-4765.rus.2022.194324