Yuri Lotman: scientist's inner speech





Self-irony, Parody, Self-portrait, Caricature, Mythopoetics


The article is the first study on Lotman’s heritage, which left 169 self-portraits. It focuses only on those that reflect the scientist’s inner speech not in drafts of scientific articles, but in various more or less intimate texts: in private letters to those closest to him, but also on random pieces of paper. self-irony. When considering Lotman’s self-portraits on the time axis, the process of self-understanding and self-affirmation is verified. Taken separately, they can be perceived as playful caricatures, they form Lotman’s self-myth and the mythopoetic text that expresses it. Lotman’s self-portraits are characteristic of this thinker’s peculiar mythopoetics.


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Author Biography

  • Peeter Torop, University of Tartu

    Universidade de Tártu, Instituto de Filosofia e Semiótica, Departamento de Semiótica. Áreas de pesquisa: semiótica da tradução, estudos transmídia, Escola de Semiótica Tártu-Moscou, história da literatura russa e
    estudos de Dostoiévski.


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