Call for articles No. 27 - Articles on free themes and for the Dossier "Soviet Literature"


In addition to the free-themed works, which RUS receives in continuous flow for its editions, its V. 15 No. 27 will also receive, until 09/15/2024, articles, essays and translations dealing with what we know as Soviet literature, covering different authors, moments and ideologies. In the West we have mainly had access to what we could call "dissident literature": that of the post-revolution emigrants, that of those who "resisted" within the USSR (such as Babel, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Bulgakov, etc.), the GULAG literature, the "Thaw" literature.


However, before, during and after the consolidation of the so-called "socialist realism" as the obligatory orientation of the literature produced in the Soviet Union, the history of Russian-Soviet literature includes a number of authors who, although they conformed to the imperatives of the epoch, presented different approaches and sensibilities. Such canonical authors as Nikolai Ostrovsky, Leonid Leonov, Ilya Ehrenburg, Dmitry Furmanov, Olga Bergholz, Aleksey Tolstoy, Aleksandr Fadeyev, Konstantin Simonov, Konstantin Paustovsky and others were read by millions and are still considered classics of Russian literature.


Furthermore, a schematic temporal periodization can be distinguished involving such moments as: the civil war, the "fellow traveller" writers (NEP, Proletkult), the construction of socialism up to the First Congress of Soviet Writers (first and second five-year plans), the Great Patriotic War, Khruschov's "Thaw" etc.


The purpose of the dossier is to present contributions that address people, orientations and questions covered in the brief review above and that are little known or addressed by Western readers.


Curators: Omar Lobos and Julián Lescano