Occupational therapy intervention in a child day care center of Recife


  • Bruna Chagas Almeida AVM Faculdade Integrada
  • Juliana Fonsêca de Queiroz Marcelino Universidade Federal de Pernambuco




Occupational therapy, Education, special, Child day care centers


The role of the occupational therapist in education started in the special education system, restricting itself to the disabled child. With the expansion of the fi elds of activity of Occupational Therapy, the goal of intervention is now the promotion of integral development, if any child placed in this context, to include all stakeholders in the learning process. The
purpose of this article is to describe the occupational therapy process for children with learning diffi culties in pre -school age, from a daycare center in Recife, from the analysis of fi lings from
March to December 2011. The analysis of the documents included in the survey showed that the actions involved intervention with children individually and in groups, and guidance to families and educators seeking greater involvement of all in order to achieve a better school performance of children. Were perceived improvement in children’s performance on the various aspects that encompass the school context, and also observed by educators themselves, claiming the inclusion of this professional in the fi eld of education as a promoter of the development of the child.


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How to Cite

Almeida, B. C., & Marcelino, J. F. de Q. (2014). Occupational therapy intervention in a child day care center of Recife. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 24(3), 216-225. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-6149.v24i3p216-225