Study on the relationship between tourism capability and organizational performance
in the lodging sector of Planalto Catarinense, SC, Brazil
Tourism dynamic capability, Performance, Structural equations modeling, HotelAbstract
Our study sought to analyze the relationship between the “tourism dynamic capability” and the organizational performance in the lodging sector of Planalto Catarinense. The studies of Silveira-Martins and Zonatto (2015) was used to theoretically base the conceptual model and for dynamic tourist capability and Carvalho (2011) for performance of lodging facilities. Regarding the methodology, our study is characterized as a quantitative approach. For the data analysis we used: exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Thus, for the survey, the structured questionnaire was used to collect the data, in the lodging sector of Planalto Catarinense. Thus, it was possible to analyze the relationship of the tourism dynamic capability and the organizational performance in lodging sector of the region. With the application of the variables: information on tourist attractions; attention to new tourist events in the region and knowledge of local history; it is concluded that the use of tourism capabilities by hotels helps in competitive advantage in a dynamic environment. Likewise, it achieves customer satisfaction and results in good organizational performance.
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