Telemedicina no acesso à saúde durante a pandemia de covid-19: uma revisão de escopo
COVID-19, Telemedicine, Telemedicine Emergency Care, Continuity of Patient Care, Health Services AccessibilityAbstract
OBJECTIVE: Mapping the role of telemedicine in the health access of patients with chronic diseases in continuous care actions (except for covid-19) during the pandemic. METHODS: This is a scope review, with an adapted version of the Prisma-Scr methodology and using the Population (patients with chronic diseases), Concept (telemedicine as a health access tool) and Context (covid-19 pandemic) strategy. We searched through the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, LILACS and SciELO, resulting in 18 articles at the end of the review. We used the technological, sociocultural and assistance analysis dimensions. RESULTS: Eighty-eight percent of the analyzed papers posited that telemedicine use to provide care increased during the pandemic. We identified that this use was positively related to the reduction of complications and the absence of physical displacement for care, expanding it to rural areas. Important barriers were presented, most importantly the digital exclusion, language sociocultural barriers, and inaccessibility to technological instruments for disabled people. CONCLUSIONS: Innovation in care arrangements calls attention to how living labor is important to produce healthcare, using various technologies, and reveals tensions caused by the forces acting on healthcare micro politics. We conclude that, despite important barriers, telemedicine contributed to the care of chronic patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mariana Prado Freire, Letícia Gabriela Silva, Ana Ligia Passos Meira, Marilia Cristina Prado Louvison

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