Instruments to assess adherence to medication in people living with HIV: a scoping review




HIV Infections, therapy, Medication Adherence, Treatment Refusal, HIV Long-Term Survivors, Review


OBJECTIVE: Compile the instruments validated in Brazil for assessing adherence of people living with HIV to antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: Scoping review using the Web of Science, Scopus, Medline (via PubMed), Embase, BDENF, CINAHL and Lilacs databases. In addition, the Preprints bioRxiv, Google Scholar and OpenGrey servers were checked. There was no language restriction for the search, and it considered articles published from the year 1996 onwards. RESULTS: Three publications were included in the qualitative synthesis. Following were the instruments identified “Questionário para Avaliação da Adesão ao Tratamento Antirretroviral” (Questionnaire for Assessment of Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment) developed in Porto Alegre (RS) and published in 2007; the “Escala de autoeficácia para adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/Aids” (Self-efficacy Scale for Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Children and Adolescents with HIV/Aids) developed in São Paulo (SP) and published in 2008; and the “WebAd-Q, um instrumento de autorrelato para monitorar a adesão à terapia antirretroviral em serviços de HIV/Aids no Brasil” (WebAd-Q, a self-report instrument to monitor adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV/Aids services in Brazil) developed in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) and published in 2018. The instruments were validated in Brazil, and presented statistically acceptable values for psychometric qualities. CONCLUSION: The instruments to assess adherence of people living with HIV to antiretroviral therapy are validated strategies for the Brazilian context. However, their (re)use in different settings and contexts of the nation should be expanded. The use of these instruments by health professionals can improve the understanding of factors that act negatively and positively on antiretroviral therapy adherence, and the proposition of strategies intended to consolidate good adherence and intervene in the treatment of people with low therapeutic engagement.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. P. dos, Cordeiro, J. F. C. ., Fracarolli, I. F. L., Gomide, E. B. G., & Andrade, . D. de . (2022). Instruments to assess adherence to medication in people living with HIV: a scoping review. Revista De Saúde Pública, 56, 112.

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