Association of social factors and health conditions with capacity and performance
Disability Evaluation, Health Status, Risk Factors, Socioeconomic FactorsAbstract
OBJECTIVE Determine and measure the association of social factors and health conditions with worse capacity and performance levels. METHODS Dependent variables consisted of performance and capacity; independent variables comprised age, gender, level of education, personal income, and health conditions. Means (95%CI) of performance and capacity were presented according to the independent variables. Generalized linear models, using a mutual adjustment for all variables considered statistically significant (p < 0.05), measured the associations between each exposure and outcomes. Study population included 12,265 individuals. RESULTS Older women with lower education and income levels and with some health condition showed the worst performance and capacity. CONCLUSION Results showed that the capacity and performance levels of the Chilean population changed according to social demographic characteristics and health conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marina Carvalho Arruda Barreto, Ricardo Cartes-Velásquez, Valeria Campos, Larissa Fortunato Araújo, Shamyr Sulyvan de Castro

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