Memory and Anti-memory in the Project by Peter Eisenman and Jaquelin Robertson for Koch-/Friedrichstraße Block 5, Berlin




anti-memory, Jaquelin Robertson, memory, Peter Eisenman


This paper aims to explore the importance of memory and anti-memory in the project by Eisenman/Robertson Architects which won the competition for Koch-/Friedrichstraße Block 5. It argues that the method used by the architects involves a “psychoanalysis of the city”. To that end, it examines the concepts of history, memory and anti-memory applied to the context of post-war Berlin reconstruction. The study is based on texts of history, sociology, philosophy and psychoanalysis, as well as on writings of the architects themselves and studies and critiques about them. Thus, the paper aims to show the strong mnemonic charge explored by the project and the critical way in which the architects address the subject of memory, so extensively explored at the time.


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Carvalho, C. F. de, & David Morales, J. (2024). Memory and Anti-memory in the Project by Peter Eisenman and Jaquelin Robertson for Koch-/Friedrichstraße Block 5, Berlin. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 19.