Interview with Francesco Careri – the Situationist International and the contemporaneous dérive




Situationist International, Drift


Interview conducted with Professor Dr. Francesco Careri, professor at the Department of Architecture at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre, in June 2020. The interview addressed ideas from the Situationist International, its reverberations in the present and in the peripatetic practice itself by Francesco Careri. It was held online, during the lockdown of the covid-19 pandemic, in a class of the Arti Civiche at the undergraduate course in Architecture. Thus, in addition to the script of questions from the interviewers, the other students who accompanied the class/interview also made contributions. The material resulting from this dialogue is a generous sharing of thoughts about artistic practices, the game of creating situations, the dérive and reinterpretations of the perception of the city and of oneself through walking.


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Author Biographies

  • Francesco Careri, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

    Professor do Departamento de Arquitetura da Università degli Studi Roma Tre e um dos fundadores do Laboratorio di Arte Urbana Stalker Osservatorio Nomade.

  • Matheus Alcântara Silva Chaparim, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho

    Mestrando do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da FAAC-UNESP

  • Paulina Maria Caon, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

    Professora do Curso de Teatro da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


ANONIMO, Réponse a une enquete du groupe surréaliste belge. In: Potlatch, n°5, 1954

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DEBORD, Guy; JORN, Asger. Mémoires: Structures Portantes d’Asger Jorn. Copenhagen: Internationale Situationniste, 1959.

DEBORD, Guy. Théorie de la dérive. In: Les Lèvres Nues. Paris, n.8/9, 1956.

BERRÉBY, Gérard. Documents relatifs à la fondation de l’Internationale Situationniste : 1948-157, Paris : Allia, 1985.

HUIZINGA, Johan. Homo Ludens: Studio dell’elemento del gioco nella cultura, 1948.

CONSTANT. New Babylon. Haia: Haags Gemeentemuseum, 1974.

ALBERTS, ARMANDO, CONSTANT, OUDEJANS. Primeira Proclamação da Seção Holandesa da Internacional ituacionista. In: Internationale Situationniste. N.3, dezembro de 1959.

JORN, Asger; DEBORD, Guy. Fin de Copenhague. Copenhagen: Bauhaus Imaginiste, 1957.

LEFEBVRE, Henry. In: LAMBERT, Jean-Clarence. New Babylon – Constant : Art et Utopie, textes situationnises. Paris: Cercle d’art, 1997, trad it. Francesco Careri.

PIETROIUSTI, Cesare. Pensieri non Funzionali (1978-1996). Nápoles: Edizioni Morra, 2000.

VV.AA. Réponse à une enquête du groupe surréaliste belge. In: Potlatch. n.5, 20 de julho de 1954, p.41-42.

WOLMAN, Gil. Intervento al Congresso di Alba, 1956.



How to Cite

Careri, F., Chaparim, M. A. S. ., & Caon, P. M. (2022). Interview with Francesco Careri – the Situationist International and the contemporaneous dérive. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 20, 255-278.