The Treatise of beauty or the Questions on the origin and nature of belo 1752 and some of its developments in the salons of 1763, 1765 and 1767 (and in the essays on the painting that complete the salons 1765): some writings by Denis Diderot on the beautiful and the arts




Diderot, History of arts, Criticism


The intention of this article is to clarify some aspects of philosopher Denis Diderot’s aesthetic reflection, tying to connect both his works The Treaty of Beauty with a selection of passages from his Reports of the Salons. The Treaty was edited as an entry about beauty in the Encyclopédie in 1752. It is a treaty both in the doctrinal style employed, as it also is due to the epistemological method that seeks to find in the origins the true nature of beauty. The reports on the Salons and the Essays on Painting of 1765 are considered Diderot’s most important writings about art. In them, the philosopher applies and questions his theories in the practice of the critique of art.  


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Author Biography

  • Frédéric René Guy Petitdemange, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicação e Arte

    Possui graduação em HISTOIRE DE L'ART ET ARQUÉOLOGIE - Université de Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) (1991), mestrado em História da arte e arqueologia - Université de Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) (1992) e doutorado em história da arte e arqueologia - Université de Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) (1993). Mestrado em Filosofia na USP (2008) Doutorado em filosofia (Estética) na USP (2015). Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: história da arte, estética, critica de arte filosofia, história da arquitetura e do urbanismo, teoria da arquitetura, história do design, História das praticas, das tecnicas e das tecnologias



How to Cite

Petitdemange, F. R. G. (2021). The Treatise of beauty or the Questions on the origin and nature of belo 1752 and some of its developments in the salons of 1763, 1765 and 1767 (and in the essays on the painting that complete the salons 1765): some writings by Denis Diderot on the beautiful and the arts. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 19, 130-147.