Housing and peasant habitat under debate at IAU-USP. The 1st Regional Seminar on Rural Habitat: housing, production and the agrarian issue in western São Paulo





Rural Habitat Regional Seminar


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Author Biographies

  • João Marcos de Almeida Lopes, Architecture and Urbanism Institute of São Paulo University

    Associate Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, IAU-USP, in São Carlos / SP, to which he has been linked since 1999, when he was still a Department of the School of Engineering of that USP campus. He has been an advisory professor in the Graduate Program of the IAU since January 2007. He is a member of the Research Group on Housing and Sustainability - HABIS, of which he is one of the coordinators. He was Deputy Dean of Culture at the Cultural and Extension Department of the University of São Paulo between March 2014 and March 2016, working on programs and actions for articulation between teaching, research and extension. In the same period, he also responded by the direction of the Science Station, as deputy director of the organ. PhD in Philosophy and Methodology of Sciences by the Post-Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of São Carlos (2006) and Master in Architecture and Urbanism by the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism of the School of Engineering of São Carlos - University of São Paulo (1999), graduated as Architect and Urbanist from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo in 1982. He has been a regular lecturer in several higher education institutions since 1983, working mainly in Technology, Structures and Project teaching. Since the beginning of 2018 he has been a Research Producer in the CNPq category / level 2. He is an associate of the USINA Habitat Center for the Environment - from which he was general coordinator from 1990 to 2005, where he worked on projects and popular housing projects promoted by mutual aid and self-management, projects and works in precarious settlements, development of housing policies and programs, applied research and systems development. He accumulates experience in the area of ​​Architecture and Urbanism, particularly in Urban Structures, Projects and Works, acting mainly in the areas of popular housing, human settlements, self management, mutirão, building design, technique and technology, structural systems and structures analysis. ORCID bibliometric indicator: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9999-2473

  • Akemi Ino, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Professor, Associate Doctor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism (IAU USP), Vice-President of the IAU Graduate Commission and advisor of the Master and Doctorate of the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism from USP is coordinator of the HABIS Research Group (Housing and Sustainability), created in 1993 registered in the CNPq Directory. Full member of the Advisory Committee of CNPq CA-SA / AU (2013-2019) and CNPq Productivity Researcher since 1994 (current level PQ-1C).studied in Civil Engineering by USP (1979); Master in Architecture and Urbanism from EESC USP (1984-Provisional house using corrugated cardboard); Specialization at Osaka City University (1987)? Japanese Wooden Housing ?; PhD in Civil Engineering from Escola Politécnica USP (1992)? Modular Structural System in Round Eucalyptus for Housing? and Free Teaching by IAU USP (2008)? Technologies in social housing, Research, Extension and Teaching, a reflection of my trajectory in the public university ?. The HABIS Group in recent years has worked in the area of ​​housing production through participatory processes in rural settlements, incorporating the discussion of sustainability in the 5 dimensions (social, economic, environmental, cultural and political).






How to Cite

Lopes, J. M. de A., & Ino, A. (2019). Housing and peasant habitat under debate at IAU-USP. The 1st Regional Seminar on Rural Habitat: housing, production and the agrarian issue in western São Paulo. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 17(1), 4-9. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-4506.v17i1p4-9