Decharacterization in heritage eclectic of Pelotas/RS

concepts and method of evaluation




Preservation of cultural heritage, Architectural heritage of Pelotas, Decharacterization of buildings


The article seeks a conceptual discussion, mainly practical, surrounding the architectonic decharacterization of buildings eclectic of Pelotas - a city located in the South of Rio Grande do Sul. The City’s Eclectic Heritage, is considered to be one of the most representative in the country and, al-though it has laws and bodies responsible for its safeguarding, it is possible to verify the presence of successive inadequate interventions that, consequently, provide the decharacteriza-tion. Therefore, the research proposes a method of analysis and its applicability, through the framing of buildings of dif-ferent typologies, in a degree of decharacterization. The term decharacterization used in this study comes from the loss of character, which, in addition to affecting aesthetics, may also compromise the cultural significance of this Heritage.


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Author Biographies

  • Juliana Cavalheiro Rodrighiero, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

    Master student in Architecture and Urbanism in the line of research Theory, History, Heritage and Criticism by the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism (PROGRAU) at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). Bachelor in Conservation and Restoration of Movable Cultural Goods by the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). Building Technician graduated from the Federal Institute of Riograndense (IFSul).

  • Ana Lúcia Costa de Oliveira, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE PELOTAS

    Graduation in School of Fine Arts at the Federal University of Pelotas (1972), Graduation in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1977), Masters in Architecture at the University of São Paulo (1986), PhD PROPUR / UFRGS. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas.


ALMEIDA, Liciane Machado; BASTOS, Michele de Souza. A experiência da cidade de Pelotas no processo de preservação patrimonial. Revista CPC. São Paulo, v.1, n.2, 2006, p. 96-118.





Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Rodrighiero, J. C., & Oliveira, A. L. C. de. (2019). Decharacterization in heritage eclectic of Pelotas/RS: concepts and method of evaluation. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 17(3), 145-163.