Bedouin Metropolis




nomadism, Radical architecture, Climate change


The difference between the housing practices of sedentary and nomadic peoples should be analyzed more closely by urban studies. Despite thestatic condition of modern cities, structural relocation has been revisited, on a larger scale, not only by radical architecture. More than inventions of artists, the idea of enliven cities, making themselves nomadic subjects, has been detached from fantasy and literally acquired real characteristics. Despite sparse examples, it is possible to construct a narrative that begins with images from popular culture, goes through projects of visionary architects of the 1960s and ends with a concrete case in Northern Europe.


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Author Biography

  • Guilherme Kujawski, Universidade de São Paulo

    Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Carlos


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Kujawski, G. (2019). Bedouin Metropolis. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 17(1), 126-134.